Mock Rocks Day 1 Animoto

Thursday, November 29, 2007


What do you think the ingredients in your evaporation dish will look like tomorrow???

Post a response, and you earn a fry!

Thursday Homework 11/29

MATH: Study Link 4.2, both sides. Multiplication Packet due tomorrow
SS: Thursday DG
READING: November Reading Goal due tomorrow. I will have a conference with each of you tomorrow, and we will set a new goal for the month of December.
SCIENCE: Science Inquiry Journal due (Just the first page)

REMINDER: Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to turn in your LUNCHTIME READERS forms!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1 & 1

During our mock rocks investigation, we read from the cool rock books.

Use our time more wisely.

Tuesday, November 27 Homework

WRITING: Banana Peel Story (I can't wait to read these!)
MATH: Study Link 4.4 (Both sides)
SS: Tuesday DG


Remember: Lunchtime readers forms are due Friday.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Daily Detective Week of 11/26

MONDAY: This stae is the nation's leader in lumber production.
TUESDAY: John Jacob Astor built a fur trading post in this state in 1811. It became the first white settlement in the state.
WEDNESDAY: The deepest lake in the United States is found in this state. It lies in the crater of an extinct volcano.
THURSDAY: The Cascade Mountains in this state contain some of the highest peaks in North America.
FRIDAY: This state contains the end of the longest overland trail used by early settlers as they traveled west in the 1800s.

*Daily Detective name and clues copywrited by Instructional Fair, Inc.

Monday, November 26 Homework

SS: Monday DG
LAWORKSHOP: NTF Dictionary Entry: New NTF Words: electcitity & happiness
(November Reading Goal due this Friday.)
MATH: Study Link 4.3--Look at examples on the back for help.
(Multiplication packet due this Friday.)

Welcome Back!

Today we begin a new science unit: Rocks and Minerals!!

Click on the "Welcome Back" title to access a site that really rocks!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Have a great break!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Native American Cultural Regions

To learn more about the Native Americans from the different cultural regions, click on the title, "Native American Cultural Regions."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

3 & 3 (11/13)

1. We had our cotton ball celebration!
2. We almost finished our Native American Cultural Regions Map.
3. We are in the lead for Smart Stepping.

1. Finish our Native American Cultural Regions Map.
2. Fill in more hearts on our "Scholastic Book Clubs Classrooms Care" poster.
3. Add more cotton balls to our jar to earn ANOTHER cotton ball celebration.

Daily Detective Week of 11/12

MONDAY: Oil is the most valuable mineral in this state.
TUESDAY: This state has more volcanoes than any other state.
WEDNESDAY: Secretary of State William H. Seward bought this state from Russia for only $7,200,000.
THURSDAY: The highest peak in the United States is found in this state.
FRIDAY: This is the state's flag.

*Daily Detective name and clues copywrited by Instructional Fair, Inc.

Homework Tuesday 11/13

MATH: Unit 3 Test tomorrow. Your study guide tells you everything you need to know! Ask someone at home to quiz you, and use your journal, study link, and SRB to guide you!


WRITING: Cursive

*Return your LIBRARY BOOKS!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Homework Thursday 11/8

MATH: Facts Test Tomorrow: Study those multiplication facts!
Study Link 3.11


READING: Finish reading your TFK...Quiz tomorrow.

CURSIVE: due Monday

DAILY DETECTIVE: For those of you who are having trouble accessing last week's Daily Detective clues, here are some tips:
1. Go to the right hand side of the blog, where you see the names of the months.
2. Click on the arrow next to "October." (This will open up all of October's posts.)
3. Click on "Daily Detective Week of 10/29"
4. Post your guess!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Homework Wednesday 11/7

Math: Study Link 3.8 (only the number stories side) & Study Link 3.10---Remember to do your best on Study LInk 3.10, but don't stress out over the parts with multiple sets of parentheses! We will talk about those tomorrow! : )

Social Studies: Tuesday and Wednesday DG

Writing: Cursive

Monday, November 5, 2007


Wow fourth graders!! You found/used/heard the NTF words 134 times last week! That's incredible!

You also filled the cotton ball jar today! I am looking forward to celebrating all your hard work with you during our cotton ball celebration!

Have a nice day off tomorrow! See you Wednesday! : )

3 & 3 (11/5)

1. Gym Class--We had fun moving through stations.
2. Social Studies: We started researching the southwest states.
3. We are in the lead for smart stepping!

1. Have at least 50% of our class do smart stepping on Wednesday.
2. Save side conversations for appropriate times.
3. Have 100% of our class return library books on Wednesday.

Homework Monday 11/5

Social Studies: Test Wednesday...Click on the title above (Homework Monday 11/5) to take the Internet Tutorial. The test is on Chapter 2. Also, remember to ask for a parent signature on the study guide!

Math: Study Link 3.9, BOTH SIDES

Spelling: Finish colorful Spelling and complete November Word Wall fill-in-the-blank sheet.

Writing: Week 2 Cursive, due next Monday


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday 11/1 Homework

MATH: Study Link 3.7--Both sides. You may skip #5 on the side with the ruler.
READING: Practice your poem---Poetry performances are tomorrow!
WRITING: Cursive

Have a great evening! See you tomorrow! : )