Before reading the article, "Summer of the Shark," we created an anchor chart describing what we already knew about sharks. To help us organize the information, we created subheadings that include:
I hear...
I smell...
I taste...
I feel...
I see...
After reading the article, we found that a lot of what we THOUGHT we knew was actually just the "Hollywood" interpretation of sharks! Read our comments to find out what we LEARNED after reading the article!
*To read the actual article, click on the title, "What We Learned About Sharks."
Some sharks can weigh over 46,000 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BY: Evan D. Schmidt
I learned that the whale shark is the heaviest shark there is, it weighs 46,000 pounds!
I did't know that a sharks tooth is shaped like a heart I think that is cool!!
By: Joseph
I didn't know sharks can hear a swimming fish from 600 yards away!
I learnd that shark don't really want to eat people they like to eat fish and other things in the WATER!
I learned that sharks don't hunt for humens! I also learned that sharks think that a humens foot looks like a fish.
- Amanda:)
Wow! I didn't know that sharks can be six inches to forty feet long!!
Sharks can weigh up to 46,300ibs!
I thought great white sharks was the biggest shark.
HOLY COW!! Sharks were alive when dinosaurs were alive!!!!
Dear Miss Anderson,
I didn't know that sharks eat other sharks.
From, Justin.
WOW! sharks can hear fish swiming from 600 yards away I never new that!
I never Knew sharks don't like to bite people!
What does it mean by "super senses?"
I didn't know that a shark could hear a fish swimming 600 yards away.
I didn't know that sharks only attack humans if a foot looks like a fish. kevin
"sharks might hear a fish swimming 600 yards away" Thats really good hearing!
That's cool that a whale shark is at least 30 FEET long!!!!!!!!!!KEVIN
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